Friday, November 27, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year...

Christmas? Easter? Thanksgiving? Birthdays? Granted, they're all very good holidays, filled with family, food, good times and tradition... but they aren't my favorite day of the year. So what does that leave? BLACK FRIDAY of course!!

After much ad scouring, penny-counting and soul-searching (Should we have one last shebang, or should we be responsible? How much do I really need that pillow, that shiatsu massager, that blue snuggie, those lego packs, OOH! I really do want a mini-slider grill, don't I?) we decided to get just 4 things - 1 at Toys R' Us, 3 at Best Buy. We're being 90% responsible!

So we decided to go to Wesley Chapel, where there's a Best Buy within walking distance of the Toys R' Us. I had my doubts though - would all those Toys R' Us midnight shoppers meander over to Best Buy once they've gotten what they wanted there? What if they all want what we want?! What if they run out?! It said LIMITED SUPPLIES!! We gotta get up early!!

We went to bed around 8pm, sorta. I woke up at 10, 11, 11:45 and midnight. Finally I couldn't take anymore. We got to go! So after rousing the sleepy lion of a husband, putting on multi-layers of maternity shirts and taking the tired, much-confused dogs out for a potty break, we were on our way.

Just as I had feared, the line for Best Buy was littered with tents, camp chairs, and people huddled up in large groups from the Best Buy entrance, past two more big retail stores to the street corner. I stood in line at the corner, fearful that we were already too late, while Brian found a parking spot and brought over the camping chairs. We picked our line-buddy, a mom of two kids waiting in line for a washer and dryer. And since we had 4 hours of doing nothing, she knows ALL about you guys! :)

A note to all potential Black Friday shoppers: even if the thermometer says its 45 degrees, and you THINK you can tough it out, wear the scarves, mittens/gloves, knit hats and long johns anyway. You'll thank me later! We weren't so smart... so Brian and I took turns finding warm solace in various places. I cashed in all my time in at Toys R' Us around 2am, using the bathroom and standing in line to buy our one completely unnecessary but GOTTA HAVE IT toy (where I had my first, "How far along are you?" inquiry!). Brian got us all hot chocolate at Dunkin Donuts, and took warm-up breaks in the car.

The doors opened at exactly 5am, and people began shuffling/crowding around (but not enough to cause an anxiety attack) to get in. I couldn't tell if they were there for the sales, or the heat.

But I had a secret weapon: I stuck out my belly as far as I could. Why do you ask? Because I'm a pregnant woman - and I'm it cashing in! I walked right up to the area where my item was, and within a minute got the "Can I help you find something ma'am?" Why yes you can! ((sucker!)) :) I want this, this and this. Okay, here, here and here you go! Why thank you so much! You're very welcome!

So within 30 minutes we got inside, got what we wanted, paid for it, got home and were back in our warm, toasty bed. It may not have been the most eventful Black Friday, but it was EXACTLY what we wanted to do.

So, to sum up: Dress Warm, Make Friends and if you're a female - stuff your shirts to look pregnant. You got a first class ticket with that!


  1. This was one long Blog post but most enjoyable to read. Like it so much I even read it to Bobbie and we both chuckle. Sounds like you and Brian had fun on your overnight adventure for your Black Friday buys and sounds like it was a success... I never did a Black Friday overnight adventure but if I ever do I will remember to dress very warm, even if the temp is 70* and will stuff my shirt to look prego, do you think I could pass the test??

    Love, Mom2

  2. I'm getting you and Brian medication for Christmas!

  3. Oh, by the way, I've found another strategy for AFTER you've had the baby. (But this really only works with men). Breastmilk boobs! The other day I was in Walmart looking for something hard to find (portable Christmas lights that run on battery pack--for Camden's bike). It had been about 2 hours since Chubbs had eaten and he was sound asleep in the carrier on top of the shopping cart. Needless to say, the proverbial "melons" were ripe when I walked into the paint/hardware dept. right in front of a group of 4 male associates. With a bit of the damsel in distress look I had them eating out of my hands! There's another tip for you. Milk it (literally!)
