Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Hormone Tour

Welcome to Pregnancy Land and thank you for choosing to join us on the "Hormone Tour" where we will explore the crazy stages of a pregnant lady's emotions. Please take a seat, buckle up and keep all arms and legs inside the vehicle. We here at Pregnancy Land hope you enjoy your ride. Please note that you take this tour at your own risk and Pregnancy Land cannot be held liable for any offense or injury you may suffer.

Our first stop is the "I'm completely sane" fog tunnel. This is where the pregnant lady is convinced that she's not crazy and that she's acting completely natural. Note the heavy, dense fog swirling around us, making it impossible to see five inches in front of us. The pregnant woman is actually the one omitting the fog - and boy folks, she seems to be full of denial today!

Our next stop is the mud pit. This is where the pregnant lady has spent a lot of time lately, believing she's completely justified in her actions and words. Oh, here's a pregnant lady spotting now! You can see the mud pit has completely covered her up to her chest, but she's still thrashing about, even though that just makes things worse for her. What a silly pregnant lady, huh kids? Let's hope someone pulls her out out soon!

The next stop is the wet room. It's the one stop that is slightly comforting and helpful to a pregnant lady. A place full of pillows where the pregnant lady can curl up into an almost fetal position (she is pregnant, you know) and have a good cry. The only problem is all the pillows are wet from tears - so unless you're doing the crying, it's not a fun room for you to be in. Visitors are welcome 24/7 in this room to console the pregnant lady, and the husband is required to check in every now and then or suffer some pretty mean consequences.

Now we've come upon the paranoid room. All these eyes staring at you kinda freaks you out, doesn't it kids? Yup, this is a room no one wants to be in, and especially so for pregnant lady. This is where she goes when she starts asking too many questions: "Am I doing the right thing?" "When she said I'm getting big, was she saying that I was getting fat?" "Did I register for the right things?" "Should I have said something?" "Did I say too much?" "Am I pushing my friends and family away with my attitude?" "Does he hate me now?" And the scariest thing about this room? There's no real escape. There's a little bit of the pregnant woman in here all the time.

The last room, and the end of our tour, is the sunshine room. Because even though the pregnant lady is mostly in the other rooms, there are short bouts of clarity. This is when the pregnant lady sticks her head out of her toosh and starts making sense. She can actually join civilized people in a conversation, possibly about a subject other than pregnancy too if you're lucky! It doesn't last long, but it does give us a glimpse of hope for the future.

And that wraps up our Hormone Tour. On behalf of Pregnancy Land we appreciate your visiting us today!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Silly Belly...

It's so weird, strange, fun and sweet to sit back and watch Melanie shift around. When she gets really active, I sti back and watch my belly "womp" from left to right, top and bottom. It looks like she's running out of room! :)

When Brian and I were watching TV in bed, I had Brian watch my belly. Sure enough, Melanie started moving, causing a huge roll to slide across my belly. Seeing it gave Brian the heebie-jeebies and he quickly turned over, mumbling something about "Alien"...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

"That's not good, I'm not happy."

quote source: Garth Algar, "Waynes World"

I've been suffering from back and/or pelvic pain since Monday. The pain comes and goes, but when it comes it really takes my breath away - or in the case of our most recent admin meeting, made me cuss like a sailor. Now all my coworkers are on high alert - every time I rub my belly they ask if everything's all right. Which is really sweet of them, but kinda annoying because most of the time I'm just feeling Melanie move around. But I'm especially entertaining when I get up to go to the bathroom, because of the pain I'm waddling more than ever. I told Cindy (my worker) I was going to the restroom and she said, "Okay, see you next Christmas!"

I've been advised to drink tons of water (I'm trying, but its not my favorite thing to do...) and keep up the walking if I can. Dana is also letting me borrow her exercise ball so I can sit on that at work, which Amy approved. And Brian has volunteered to offer back rubs when requested - I've cashed him in once, and even though it was a painful experience, he sure hit some nerves and I felt ten times better once he was done. And for Valentines Day, Brian bought me a pillow for between my legs for when I sleep. So I'm getting a lot of help and advice on how to deal with the pain.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Catch-up Time!

Just a few notes to catch everyone up on what's going on around here...

We're done with our birthing-center classes! The classes were informational about what generally happens in late pregnancy, labor and post-labor care and how Labor of Love works. It was very helpful and a lot of questions were answered. Now we feel more prepared than ever! Brian was a super-trooper by agreeing to come to the classes with me, which was a big deal to me.

Since the classes weren't "coping" classes, meaning they provided very little advice about how to cope with the pain, Dana has volunteered to teach me some coping techniques she used when she gave birth to Serafina naturally. We'll start those soon.

I've been very lucky in having multiple people ask to throw me a baby-shower, and even more grateful that they've all agreed to join forces to throw me one singular sensation-al shower! Special thanks go out to Becky, Betsy, Bobby, Michelle and Mom2 (alphabetical order!) for being so flexible and willing to work together. I've been informed of my baby-shower theme, and I couldn't be more pleased! Because of my references to Gone With the Wind, that's the theme we're going with. The shower is on March 13th at the Orange River Estates clubhouse. I can't wait to see all my friends and family there! It's going to be a blast!

I am officially 32 weeks prego as of yesterday. So far I'm doing okay! I've only gotten a couple cases of heartburn and only threw up a couple times recently - but mostly because of bad food choices. My feet swell sometimes and I can't wear my rings anymore (more for fear of them being cut off). Aside from that though, I'm a-okay!

One last thing that has nothing to do with babies, but will please any future visitors of our humble abode. The doggy-stank couch and loveseat has been replaced with a "new" couch and loveseat set we found off craigslist. They're really comfy, in excellent condition in a pet and smoke free home - and we got 'em for a very good deal! We are now training Chunk and Tonka to stay off the furniture (which Chunk is challenging as I type. GET DOWN CHUNK!). It's a work in progress, but they'll learn soon enough.

Uhh... I think that's all for now. It's difficult to remember with pregnant brain!

Brian, Katie and Melanie