Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lakeland Park!

Melanie and I went to visit her Cousin Ramona and Wyatt, Aunt Becka and Grandparents this past weekend. So we took a few pictures... only a few... enjoy!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Tie-Down Roping... Melanie

Ever see those videos where the cowboy/girl chases down a calf and ties them up? Yeah, imagine how difficult that would be if the calf was oiled down. Now you know how difficult it is to diaper a rolling, sitting up, crawling baby.

That kid - as soon as you lay her down on the changing table, she rolls over to her belly (which is helpful for wiping, I'll admit), then sits up. I lay her down again, and she rolls over immediately. It takes about 4 lie downs and a couple adjustments of the diaper straps to get it on right. Whew!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Mumm Mumm

"Mumm Mumm", said by Melanie as she was pulling herself up my legs. Is this it? Maybe!